
Friday, 17 October 2014

Flotte ou coule?

Today we asked the students if they thought a pumpkin would float (flotte) or sink (coule).  We recorded our predictions, then we put the pumpkin in a bin of water to test it.  We also made predictions about a petite citrouille and une gourde.

Je vois (I see):
-Il est orange (Abby)
-C'est une sphere (Kaden)
-A little stem (tige) on top that is greenish and brownish (Kylie)
-It looks like a pomme (Alivia)

Flotte ou Coule?
-Coule because it's heavy (Bryce)
-Coule because it is really heavy and water is not that strong (Warren)
-Sink! Because it is too big! (Paisley)
-Sink because it is so bog! (Max)
-When there is more water, it will float. (Kaden)

We discovered that the big pumpkin, the small pumpkin and the gourd all floated!
When there was just a little bit of water, it sat on the bottom and did not float.  When we added more water, they floated.  One of our students said that they thought this happened because when there was more water, it was stronger and could hold up the pumpkins.

We also noticed that the pumpkins could float upside down!

 They float upside-down! 

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