
Friday 24 October 2014

Baking with Pumpkin

Today, we made les biscuits à la citrouille (pumpkin cookies). We estimated how many spoonfuls of pumpkin we could get from one can and how many cups we could get from one package of cake mix. The students helped us count out how many we needed and they helped mix it all up.  We baked it in the oven and used cookie cutters to make them into pumpkin shapes. We read the recipe together and talked about cooking safety.  When they were all done, we got to eat them! Yummy!

 Michael took a tally as we counted.

 We made sure to roll up our sleeves!

There were 25 spoonfuls of pumpkin in one can!
 There were 9 cups in the cake mix.



 Putting it in the oven.  We stood back because it was "chaud" (hot).



"They are squishy!" -Serena


  Here is our recipe.
Here are our estimations.

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