
Wish List

Many families ask how they may help out our classroom. We will be adding to this list of suggestions throughout the year. If you have any of these items lying around at home and would like to send them in, it would be very much appreciated. Feel free as well to send in anything that we have not thought of! Thank-you in advance for all of your support.

**White board markers/dry erase markers (students are very interested in using white boards to practice writing and we will be incorporating this into our morning circle)

-paper towel rolls (or wrapping paper tubes as the holiday season approaches)
-Wrapping paper scraps
-odds and ends to use in the art centre
-dress up items
-costume jewellery, such as beaded necklaces 
-musical instruments
-nature items, such as shells, bird's nests, snake skin, seeds, pine cones, rocks etc.

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