
Thursday 18 June 2015

Multicultural Day Celebrations

On Friday, June 12th we celebrated our cultures! We discussed languages, food, countries of origin and music. Some families sent in traditional dishes, clothing and music for our celebration and some parents even came in to visit us! We know how important it is to learn about everyone's unique backgrounds. We had such a fun afternoon trying new foods, dancing to cultural music and trying on traditional clothing. Thank you to everyone who supported our event. 

 Dancing to Italian music that Abby brought in.

Armenian Lahmahjoon from Mlle Benneian
 Polish perogies from Mlle Ouellette
 Pop Tarts from Erica
 Chinese dumplings from Katelyn
 Mme Kylie came back to visit!

 Katelyn brought traditional Chinese New Year clothes to show the class.

 And some decorations for Chinese New Year.

 Mme Kylie brought her Mexican sombrero!

 Maltese Pastizzi from Serena.
 Italian pasta from Quinn.

 Yummy cupcakes from Mme Kylie. It is not a party without cake!



 Scottish shortbread cookies from Lorne.

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