
Tuesday 31 January 2017

Le nombre 7

Take a look at all the different number 7's we saw in our class. 
Ask your child if they found any of the items in the pictures! 
Can you find 7 in your house?

Le nombre 6

Take a look at all the different number 6's we saw in our class. 
Ask your child if they found any of the items in the pictures! 
Can you find 6 in your house?

"I have 6 things in my lunch!'

Friday 27 January 2017

Literacy Day

Today we celebrated Literacy Day at SWPS! We had a kick off assembly in the gym this morning and got to hear from guest speakers local author Kara Kootstra who just wrote her second bool "Jay versus the Saxophone of Doom", Michelle Maluske from CTV News reading "Even Steven and Odd Todd", and Mme McGuire's father reading a story as well. We spent the afternoon reading our favourite books and playing math and literacy games. Thanks to all the parents who came to read to us and a special thanks to Damon and his family for bringing in juice boxes and fruit snacks for us! We had a ton of fun reading and dressing up as our favourite literacy character and wearing our pajamas! 




 Fancy Nancy!