
Friday 29 April 2016

Literacy Centres - Sequencing and Retell

 We have been working on retelling stories that are read to us.  During our literacy centres, we practiced sequencing and putting pictures in the correct order to tell a story.  We ordered cards and blocks with pictures on them and we put together picture of characters to make sure they had a top, middle, and a bottom.  We also practiced reading French books and copying the words we read.  We played an alphabet soup game, where we had to scoop a spoonful of letters and spell words with the letters we chose.  

Thursday 28 April 2016

Une maison pour les chats

We were given a large cardboard box this week and some students decided to make it into a house for cats. They drew a plan for the house and drew what materials they needed to make the house. Next, they decided that they wanted to paint the house and they worked together to cover the outside. Now it was time to make the furniture to go inside the house. Some students made a trampoline, a pool with an umbrella, a bed, a couch, a television, a slide, 2 doors, a sandbox, some pictures for the walls and decorations for the outside.

Making our plans:

Drawing the materials we need.


Starting to build our cat house.  We used all kinds of different materials. We decided that we wanted to paint the outside of the house.

Gigi made grass for the front of the house.

The painting stage is done!

Now we are making things to go inside the house.

A sandbox with pink sand.

Yara is making a slide.

Abby made a maze on the front lawn.

We added some writing on the door.

A cat bed.

Kate made a couch using Styrofoam.

This is the pool with the umbrella.

Our completed house!

We found some cats to use to play in the house and we borrowed some toys from another class.

Kate made an origami cat too!