
Tuesday 22 March 2016

Ontario Green Presentation

As many of you know, earth hour was this past Saturday. On Monday, we turned out our lights in honour of earth hour and this started our discussions of ways we can help our planet. Today we had a presentation by Liz Benneian who taught us was we can help the planet, even at our age! We learned that we can:
- bring litterless lunches
- compost food scraps
- eat local food
- learn to grow food 
- walk to school 
- ride a bike to school
- plant a native tree
- plant native flowers and shrubs to feed native animals and insects 

We learned that some of the ways that we make energy causes pollution. This pollution makes the earth warmer and warmer every year and we don't want our planet to get too hot. We can help by: 
- reducing energy: don't turn on the lights if it's sunny, turn off your computer when not in use, unplug appliances when not in use, unplug any appliance that has a clock face on it when not in use (these appliances use 1/4 of the energy at rest as when it is in use). 

 Other ways to save energy: 
- only have a fan in the room you're using instead of air conditioning the whole house
- in the winter, leave your house a bit cooler and dress a little warmer 

It's also important to protect our water
- you can save water by turning off the water while you're brushing your teeth
- you can protect our water by not washing your car in your driveway (the soap and chemicals goes directly to the drain and straight to the lakes and oceans.  Go to a car wash instead. They will filter the water waste first)
- bring unwanted prescriptions and over the counter medication to a pharmacy for disposal. Do not flush them down the toilet or put them in the garbage. 
- use a reusable water bottle

How to make less garbage: 
- recycle
- use reusable bags when shopping
- reduce, reuse, recycle- give away things you are done with, reuse old materials for new purposes (crafts) 
- pick up garbage outside
- keep your cat indoors 
- be kind to creatures
You too can be a earth saving superhero too! 

We challenge your families to try to implement a new strategy that we learned today into your home.  Remember every little bit helps! 

After the presentation, our class decided to use items from the recycle bin, such as paper and containers, to make their art. They were excited to reuse these items and help save the planet. 

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