
Friday, 27 November 2015

Les Microbes! (Germs)

We have been discussing germs and hand washing in our class this week. The children decided the order of which we must wash our hands, when we need to wash them and why we wash them. Here are some photos from this weeks lessons and activities and what the children wanted to share about germs. 
"I made a poster to show the kids how to wash their hands! It is going in the bathroom."
"We are washing our hands because we had some stuff on our hands. We were trying to get it off."
"Mlle Benneian took a special flash light to see if we had any germs left on our hands."
"Mlle Benneian put stuff on our hands and if we didn't wash them good you can see it with the flash light!"
"If you don't wash off the germs it might make you sick."
"J'ai lavé mes mains!"
"Mme N is giving me germ potion. I'm going to rub it! I have to wash it with the soap and water. We looked at the hands with the light. Because we were checking for germs!"
"Washing our hands at playtime!"
"Clean hands."
"I think they have some germs still.."

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Spirit Day Assembly!

Our third Spirit Day and Assembly will be held on Friday, November 27th. Students are invited to wear their Spartan gear or our Spartan colours (yellow & purple); Parents are welcome to join us in the gym at 11:30 AM for the assembly.

Monday, 23 November 2015


Just a reminder that field trip forms and money, for our trip to see Elf the musical, are due tomorrow Nov. 24, 2015.  The trip is on Dec. 1, 2015. 

Now that the weather is getting a bit colder and students are wearing winter clothes and boots to school, please ensure that student clothing is labeled with their name or initials. 

Another reminder that we have gym on days 2 and 4 (which is currently on Monday and Wednesday).  Students must have running shoes to participate in gym.

Click here to see the 5 Day Cycle Calendar.


Thursday, 19 November 2015

Living (vivant) and Non Living (non vivant)

This week, we have been exploring a new science concept!  We have discussed things in our environment that are "vivant" (living) and "non vivant" (not living).  Our students brainstormed a list of characteristics that they thought described living and non living things.  As a class, we discussed 4 main characteristics that something has to have in order to be "vivant" (living).  

A living thing must:
1- bouge (move)
2- mange (eat)
3- respire (breathe)
4- grandit (grow)

We used a graph mat to sort pictures of living and non living things.

We sorted pictures of living and non living things using sorting rings.

Ask your child to pick one of the items and explain why is it
"vivant" or "non vivant".

We used the pictures we sorted to create a poster of living and non living things.
We used a check list to decided if something was living or non living.

Upcoming Can Drive

This year, we will again be having our annual can drive. It will begin on Monday, November 23rd,  and will take place until December 11th, 2015.

As a class, we will keep a running total of our cans, which we will count daily (this is a good opportunity for a meaningful counting activity).  We will also use this can drive as an opportunity to have discussions about why we are collecting cans and why we help people in need. Since cans are heavy, you may want to send your child with a single can on a few different occasions instead of having them carry multiple heavy cans at once. Thank you for your support and participation in our charitable endeavour. We will keep you updated on our totals! 

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

New Parent Communication Tool: Welcome to Seesaw!

Hello parents and guardians!

We have started using a new tool to communicate with parents about student progress.  It is called "Seesaw" and it can be downloaded as an app to your smart phone or accessed online through the website.  Information on how to sign-up and access this new tool has been sent home in your child's mail bag ("sac en plastique") today.

This app and website will allow parents to see snapshots of their student's day. It will provide parents with information about their student's progress and what is being learned in the classroom. It is a great communication tool between home and school and provides parents the opportunity to talk to their student about what they are doing, learning, or creating in the classroom.  Parents will get notifications when something new is posted to their student's Seesaw account. Teachers will also be using Seesaw as a way to send messages and important information/reminders to parents.

We will continue to use our classroom blog as well, as a way to share events that involve the entire class, such as field trips, spirit days, special activities, and new learning strands.

We are very excited to start using Seesaw and hope that this will be a great communication and learning tool for everyone!

Friday, 13 November 2015


As part of our science curriculum we have been doing a few different experiments.  We have been working on predicting what will happen, discussing our observations, and drawing conclusions. 

This is the result of an experiment we finished today.  Ask your child what we did, as well as what happened. 

What we've been working on in Math

In math we have been working on counting to 30 in French, as well as number relationships in French.  Below are a few of the activities we have been doing to help us better read, recognize and count these numbers.  You can help your child at home by pointing out these numbers in your surroundings, discussing numbers in your everyday life (ex. your address, in your phone number, in a story, etc.) and by providing your child with different real life contexts in which to count (ex. number of shoes at the door, forks, knives, spoons, plates, and glasses when setting the table or how many cars or dolls they are playing with).  The more you incorporate discussions about numbers into your everyday lives, the better your child will be able to understand these concepts. 

Writing numbers

Number Bingo


 Sequencing what comes first, second, etc.

Playing war with playing cards

 Counting stickers and matching the corresponding number clips

 Here there are pipe cleaners with numbers at the top.  The students counted the corresponding number of beads and attached them to the pipe cleaners.  This is both a good counting activity and a fine motor activity. 

 A number memory game


 Rolling a dice and placing the corresponding number of marbles into the ice cube tray


 Students were counting the  pictures and finding the corresponding words

Representing numbers on a 10s frame

Tracing numbers with our fingers.  Start at green and stop at red.


 These students are making numbers using playdough.